Air Booking In Web

Air Booking In Web

How To Generate Air Booking In Zeal IT

Air Booking 

  1. Select “Air Booking” screen from “Type to Search” area.
  2. Select “Create New” button for creating new booking.

  1. Select the confirmed "Quotation Number" from the dropdown filed, system will fetch all the details added in the Quotation screen.
  2. Rest other details can be added in the screen, e.g.: Booking number, Issuing carrier agent, departure and arrival flight name and date etc.
  3. Finally click on Create New button to generate new booking

  4. New booking will be created successfully and will be available under "Draft" tab.
  5. We have an option to generated SI under "I want" option.
  6. The details are available under SI screen, will be printed in the AWBL print output.

  7. DO Can be generated by selecting the "Create New" button under DO tab.
  8. We have an option to cancel the DO and regenerate again if required.
  9. Under Status tab will show all the Active and Cancelled DO's.

  10. After confirm the Booking we can generate the invoice for those charges are available under Rate and Cost tab,

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