How to create bl correction

How to create bl correction

How To Create BL Correction In Zeal IT

BL Correction

  1. Select  "BL Correction” screen from “Type to Search” area.
  2. Select "Create New" button to create bl correction.
  3. Select BL number from dropdown and click on "Retrieve Details" button.
  4. The Bldetails, container details, route details will show the data from the bl screen.
  5. All fields data was in left side show the actual data in bl, if we want to change or edit any fields , changes the data in right side fields.
  6. Finally click submit button to save the correction and it will be available under "Pending" tab for approval
  7. Super user will have rights to approve or reject the pendings.
  8. Once approved the changes will be reflect in BL screen.
  1. Filter option can be used to filter the selected data.