How to create charge code to gl mapping

How to create charge code to gl mapping

How To Create Charge Code To GL Mapping In Zeal IT

Charge Code To GL Mapping

  1. Select  "Charge code to gl mapping” screen from “Type to Search” area.
  2. Select "Create New" button to create a new gl mapping.
  3. Select charge code, product type, shipment type, and relavant expense and revenue gl's against to this charge, which will hit into the respective ledgers in account.
  4. Edit option can be used to edit the existing record.
  5. Copy option  can be used to copy and create the new one
  6. Filter option can be used to filter the selected data.
  7. Upload option to be used for creating bl charge code to gl mapping, upload tempalte can be dowloaded using "Download" option.

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