How to create container release order

How to create container release order

How To Create Container Release Order In Zeal IT

Container Release Order

  1. Select  "Manage Booking" screen from “Type to Search” area.
  2. Select "Pending booking" or  "Pending BL Confirm" tab and view the booking
  3. Select "CRO" Tab click on Create New button for creating new CRO.
  4. Select all mandatory fields and check the container type from the container details section, keyin the allocated quantity.
  5. Finally click on "Submit" button to generated the CRO.
  6. The created CRO will be available under "Active" tab, we can edit or take the print copy.
  7. To cancel the CRO click on "View" button and select the cancel option.
  8. To add containers select "Add Containers" option to add the containers and display in the print copy.