How to create shipping instruction

How to create shipping instruction

How To Create Shipping Instruction In Zeal IT

Shipping Instruction

  1. Select  "Manage Booking" screen from “Type to Search” area.
  2. Select  "Pending BL Confirm" tab and view the BL.
  3. Under "I Want" button, select the shipping instruction option and click on "Create New" button, the details entered in the BL will fetch into this screen, if any changes required we can edit it to show the same in the bl print.
  4. Select SI type and BL,SOB date and finally click on Submit button.
  5. The created Si we can view in the grid, Edit and copy option are provided to utilize the same.
  6. Once SI created we can take the BL draft print, those details are in the SI screen will reflect in the print.