How to do booking/bl split
How To Do Booking/BL Split And Merge In Zeal IT
Booking/BL Split
- Select "Manage Booking" screen from “Type to Search” area.
- Select "Pending booking" or "Pending BL Confirm" tab and view the booking
- Select "Booking/BL Split and Merge" Tab, "Split" and "Merge" option will be available choose the required option to merg or split the booking or bl.
- If we select the "Split" option "Container Current Booking" and "Container New Booking" option will be shown.
- All the container type was in current booking will be shown row wise.
- Select the check box which will use to move to new booking and click the "Move to New Booking/BL" button and click on Save button.
- The selected container will move to the new booking.