How to do booking/bl split

How to do booking/bl split

How To Do Booking/BL Split And Merge In Zeal IT

Booking/BL Split

  1. Select  "Manage Booking" screen from “Type to Search” area.
  2. Select "Pending booking" or  "Pending BL Confirm" tab and view the booking
  3. Select "Booking/BL Split and Merge" Tab, "Split" and "Merge" option will be available choose the required option to merg or split the booking or bl.
  4. If we select the "Split" option "Container Current Booking" and "Container New Booking" option will be shown.
  5. All the container type was in current booking will be shown row wise.
  6. Select the check box which will use to move to new booking and click the "Move to New Booking/BL" button and click on Save button.
  7. The selected container will move to the new booking.