How to generate customer invoice for Warehouse module

How to generate customer invoice for Warehouse module

Dependency screens for warehouse invoice entry

1.Receivable control setup
2.customer financial conditions
4.Warehouse storage contract

Search " Warehouse invoice entry" in  search bar 

Alternatively you can find the invoice screen under the warehouse module on the left panel

If you want to see existing entries , then you can view the entries in the left pane or click the filter button to see the entries for a period.

To create a new entry , click on the create new button.

Click on the clipboard button to fetch the charges from the warehouse entries

Once the invoice party is given and the dates are set , click on the retrieve button.

Entries made in the rate tab of GRN,GDN and if there is a job matched with the entries then the job number will also reflect.

If there is storage to be calculated and the contract is defined for the entry then , click on the " calculate storage" button

the date can be defined till which the amount to be calculated.

The charge can be selected with the checkboxes, Charges from multiple entries can also be selected to invoice.

Clicking the save button will create a invoice for the charges towards the selected customer.
