To Create Goods Delivery Notes

To Create Goods Delivery Notes

  1. Click  Search Goods Delivery Notes from Type to search

  1. Click on Create New

Under GDN Details Tab,
  1. Provide the “DO Number” if provided by the customer. (This is optional field)
  2. Select the “Customer” from drop down list (Note: Ensure you are selecting the same customer against to which the GRN is done
  3. Click “Save” button in the left top corner to generate the GDN
  4. Select the “GDN Date” and “ROT Date” 
  5. Select appropriate “Distribution Type”

  1. Click “Refresh” button, so that system will pull the stock available against to the selected customer and show as grid (rows. Each row showing in one batch)
  2. Select (Tick) the batch against to which goods going out.

Under Rate and Cost Tab,
  1. Click on  Get charges, charges will be loaded from Warehouse Tariff master
  2. Charges can be added manually

  1. Click “Save” button to generate the Goods Delivery Note (GDN Number will be generated)

    To verify, view, print GDN