To Create Goods Delivery Notes
- Click Search Goods Delivery Notes from Type to search
- Click on Create New
Under GDN Details Tab,
- Provide the “DO Number” if provided by the customer. (This is optional field)
- Select the “Customer” from drop down list (Note: Ensure you are selecting the same customer against to which the GRN is done
- Click “Save” button in the left top corner to generate the GDN
- Select the “GDN Date” and “ROT Date”
- Select appropriate “Distribution Type”
- Click “Refresh” button, so that system will pull the stock available against to the selected customer and show as grid (rows. Each row showing in one batch)
- Select (Tick) the batch against to which goods going out.
Under Rate and Cost Tab,
- Click on Get charges, charges will be loaded from Warehouse Tariff master
- Charges can be added manually