Zeal IT Tyre and Truck Maintenance Flow Screenshots
Job Card – Truck Maintenance
STEP 1: To create Job Card Truck Maintenance, select Job Card screen as shown in below screen shot.
STEP 2: Click Create New button.
STEP 3: Key in all mandatory fields with Material Details and Activity Details.
STEP 4: To know the materials available can be viewed using "Fetch From Store".
STEP 5: Click the Save button after updating all mandatory fields, alert message will be displayed "JOB CARD DETAILS CREATED SUCCESSFULLY".
Maintenance History of a Truck / Vehicle
STEP 6: Maintenance history of a Truck / Vehicle can be viewed using Job Card Activity.
STEP 7: Select From Date and To Date as shown in the below screenshot and click Generate Report.
STEP 8: In the next screen, all the activities will be displayed which is done between the selected period.
Statutory Records
STEP 9: Statutory maintenance of a truck should be done using the Truck Statutory Maintenance screen.
STEP 10: Update all the mandatory details and click the Save button.
Tyre Re-Treading
STEP 11: Tyre Re-Treading can be updated using Tyre ReTread Details screen,
STEP 12: Update all mandatory fields and click the Save button.
Tyre Mount / Removal Updates
STEP 13: Type Mount / Removal can be done using Tyre Maintenance screen.
STEP 14: Update all mandatory fields and click the Save button.